
Revolutionizing CAD: A Spotlight on New California-Based Startup Innovations

California is a breeding ground for innovation, especially in the field of CAD (Computer-Aided Design) where startups have been finding their foothold. The industry is renowned for its capabilities in fostering design, simulation, and manufacturing processes across a variety of sectors. Despite the challenges of the global pandemic, we witnessed the birth of numerous CAD-focused startups in 2020 and later, ranging from industrial automation to architecture, and from productivity tools to construction platforms. In this feature, we’re spotlighting some standout startups that embody the dynamism and resilience of the Golden State’s tech scene.

These startups are not only innovating within their respective sectors, but they are also demonstrating how CAD technologies are diversifying to cater to a wider swath of sectors, from industrial design to home planning. As they help turn visions into validated designs quickly and efficiently, they are enabling customers, companies and even industries to reap the best of CAD innovations. We explore in depth some key startups making a difference in the California tech landscape.

Here is a carefully curated collection of startups that were launched in and after 2020, are headquartered in California, and are innovating in the CAD industry. We’ll dive into their offerings, missions, and how they’re leveraging advancements in CAD to make a significant impact in their respective sectors.

Lambda Function

Lambda Function is based in San Francisco and operates in the analytics, artificial intelligence, CAD, industrial automation, and machine learning sectors. The mission of this startup is to streamline effective decision-making through a software that integrates real-time process parameters from CNC machines with contextual information. Leveraging AI and advanced analytics, Lambda Function allows machine shops to enhance productivity and grow machining autonomy. Follow their journey on LinkedIn.


Offering customized solutions to its end users, Drawsiteplan is based in San Bruno and is focused on architecture, CAD, commercial, and residential sectors. Facilitating plan services for diverse construction projects, Drawsiteplan looks to personalize and customer-friendly options to industry needs. You can keep up with their updates on Facebook and LinkedIn.


Steady, a San Francisco-based startup, is taking strides in the CAD, collaboration, enterprise software, product design, productivity tools, simulation, software, and web apps sectors. Created by engineers, designers, and researchers, Steady aims to make simulations feasible for everyone for rapid design iterations and product development. Find more about them on LinkedIn.


Archslate operates from San Francisco and caters to the architecture, CAD, construction, human resources, interior design and other sectors. Aspiring to build the largest talent marketplace for the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction industry, Archslate is reshaping the hiring landscape for employees and freelancers alike. Check them out on LinkedIn.

Hudson Street Solutions

Hudson Street Solutions, located in Redwood City, aims to be a leading PTC Onshape reseller and automation technology services provider especially catered for prototyping manufacturers. Dive deeper into their services and impacts on LinkedIn.

ZZYZX Imaging

ZZYZX Imaging, based out of San Diego, operates in the 3D Technology, CAD, Industrial, and Laser sectors. Follow their updates on Facebook and LinkedIn.


Redwood City-based Range is leading the way in the CAD, collaboration, geospatial, and software sectors. Their collaboration platform for spatial data enables users to discuss, document, and operationalize the physical world. Stay updated with Range’s latest advancements on LinkedIn.

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