
Rising Art Startups in San Mateo: California’s Emerging Creative Forces

Despite 2020 and 2021 being tumultuous years, a myriad of innovational startups have sprung to life in the Silicon Valley city of San Mateo, California. These ventures span all industries including healthcare, analytics, ecommerce, and more. A distinguishing element among these startups is the intricate implementation and utilization of AI technology. This article will spotlight new enterprises within San Mateo that are pioneering the future of AI utilization, all established in 2020 or later.

The leaders of these startups believe in the transformative power of artificial intelligence in the modern landscape, recognizing AI as the cornerstone of their forward-thinking organizations. This shared vision propels them forward into uncharted waters, enabling them to take risks, innovate, and position California as a globally significant incubator of AI technology. We present a list of such dynamic AI focused startups in San Mateo, each of which is making noteworthy strides in their respective fields.

Whether you are a potential investor, an industry professional, an enthusiast, or simply someone seeking to understand the future relationships between AI and various sectors, the following introductions to these promising startups will offer you insight into where the industry is headed. We encourage you to follow their progress and explore how they may inspire your own professional journey.

Cornerstone AI

Founded in 2020, Cornerstone AI is committed to cleansing and standardizing data, as well as analyzing it. Their specialized internal tooling aids in improving these processes, thereby leading to improved results. Their industry focus is namely in Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, and they can be reached out to through their LinkedIn page.

Lampa AI

Lampa AI is an AI assessment solution committed to unlocking your professional growth potential. By the implementation of AI and scientific psychology, they provide personalized developing practices. Reach out to them via their Facebook page or their LinkedIn page for more information.

Listing Bird

Listing Bird is pioneering a new wave in the e-commerce sector. This inventory sourcing and supply chain automation platform employs NLP technology and machine learning to simplify the wholesale purchasing process. Their social media links include: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.


Transforming mortgage security analytics, Infima employs unique deep learning technologies to provide actionable predictive insights into future borrower, security, and market behavior. They can be contacted via their LinkedIn page.


VESSL AI is simplifying the complex process of developing state-of-the-art models for machine learning teams by providing a centralized dashboard, workflow management, and enterprise-grade infrastructure. Find out more about them on their Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

Filum AI

Filum AI offers a complete solution to best utilize business data by using their AI data platform to turn data into insights for better and more data-driven business decisions. They can be found on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

DataJoy Inc.

Incorporating AI, Business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, and Software, DataJoy Inc. uses data to help build reliable, profitable, and predictable revenue machines. You can find them on their LinkedIn page.

Mynd Health

Specializing in Health Care, Mynd Health‘s mission is to empower everyone to achieve their optimal mental wellness using scientifically proven methods. They can be found on Twitter and LinkedIn.


Revioly uses AI, Big Data and NLP technology to protect online shoppers from fake reviews and provides them with the best prices across the internet. Visit their Facebook and LinkedIn pages for more details.

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