
Spotlight on California’s Emerging Commercial Lending Startup Industry

California is becoming an epicenter of the burgeoning tech scene, particularly for the entrepreneurial ecosystem of commercial lending. Since 2020, a number of groundbreaking startups have emerged and prospered. The businesses described here are at the leading edge of this industry, using innovative techniques and technologies to transform the commercial lending landscape. They are redefining how businesses source capital, making lending more accessible, efficient, and personalized than ever before.

These startups, headquartered in California, are leveraging modern technologies, adopting forward-thinking business models, and offering unique solutions to tackle the complexities in commercial lending. They range from digital platforms streamlining loan applications to financial solutions providers revolutionizing payment processes for eCommerce businesses, and more.

In this article, we’ll highlight several promising and disruptive early-stage commercial lending startups that have originated from the Golden State since 2020. Each offers something unique within its respective industry and promises to hold interest for consumers, investors, and entrepreneurs alike.


Founded by Andrew Hurst and Diego Represas, Able is a San Francisco-based startup specializing in Artificial Intelligence, Financial Services, FinTech, and Software. Their innovative platform optimizes the process of collecting and processing borrower data, helping commercial lenders streamline loan procedures and close deals faster. their emergent success in the commercial lending industry makes them a company to watch. Check out their profile on Linkedin .


Located in Cupertino, RS11 is another innovative startup making waves in the commercial lending industry. They offer a tech-driven platform that empowers businesses and organizations to leverage community and data-based insights, and local information. Their exciting influence in the B2C and Information Technology sectors can be found on their official Linkedin page.


AltBanc is a promising startup based in San Francisco, posing as a modern player in the commercial lending and Fintech niche. While information about their founders and detailed operations remains sparse, their features on Linkedin indicate impressive potential.

Smart Capital Center

Led by founder Laura Krashakova, Smart Capital Center is a San Francisco-based startup offering real-time property valuations and best loans for commercial real estate investors. Their tech-driven strategy in asset management and commercial real estate sets them out from their peers. To know more about their activities follow their Twitter and Linkedin pages.

1st Merchants

Operating out of Irvine, 1st Merchants is an expanding force in the commercial lending, finance, and financial services space. Stay tuned with their developments on their official Linkedin page and Facebook account.

New Vintage Mortgage

New Vintage Mortgage, based in San Ramon, California, provides bespoke solutions in the commercial and consumer lending realm. Follow their Twitter page, Linkedin profile, and Facebook for further updates.

Coast Funding

As a San Diego-based commercial lending startup, Coast Funding is actively shaping the future of financial services. Their varied works can be detected via their Facebook and Linkedin pages.

Increase Capital Group

With founder Sebastian Ruano at the helm, Increase Capital Group based in Rancho Santa Margarita, is reimagining commercial lending, customer service, and leasing sectors by enabling growth and success for varied companies. You can visit their Facebook and Linkedin page for more information.


Founded by Derrick Chen and Kalana Meneripitiya, nFinance is a commercial lending startup based in Hayward. Their unique and beneficial model helps eCommerce sellers get paid faster. You can stay updated about them on their Linkedin and Facebook accounts.

Go Fish Capital

Go Fish Capital, founded by Joseph M. Baliva, is a San Francisco-based startup in the commercial lending sector. They have developed a novel lending model utilizing new-age technology and processes to mitigate risk. Check out their on-going developments on their Linkedin platform.

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