
Upcoming Blockchain Startups Revolutionizing Industry from Los Angeles, California

It’s an exciting time in the startup industry, especially for those dabbling in Blockchain technology. Many new and innovative startups have been sprouting up since the beginning of 2020 in Los Angeles, California – a city known for its creativity and technological advancements. In this article, we will delve into the startups that are riding the tide of Blockchain technology, highlighting their missions, contributions, and potential impact on the future of the industry.

Encompassing domains such as digital marketing, finance, entertainment, supply chain management, and more, these startups stand at the helm of innovative solutions and services. From harnessing decentralized currencies for social purposes to providing effective and transparent supply chain solutions, they are signaling the dawn of new possibilities underpinned by blockchain technology. Their unique business models and ambitious goals have placed them on the radar as some of the most promising companies in the California startup scene.

Let’s take a closer look at these startups, exploring their individual journeys, the industry gaps they are filling, the value they are adding, and the change they aim to bring about. Each of them has a unique story to share, an innovative product or service to showcase, and a bright vision for the future of the blockchain industry.

Spatial Labs

Founded by Iddris Sandu, Spatial Labs is driving innovation at the crossroads of culture, community, and limitless design. Using Blockchain, Digital Marketing, and Software, Spatial Labs aims to revolutionize the future of human experiences. Their first state-of-the-art product, LNQ, pushes the envelope by making Web3 more accessible and decentralized.


Founded in 2020 by Dai Hovey, Dee Goens, Ethan Daya, and Jacob Horne, Zora Labs utilizes Blockchain technology to offer secondary market value to digital files. From photos and videos to extras such as drop alerts and notifications, Zora is reinventing the way we consume and value digital content.


UnicornDAO, a Russian NFT project, aims at empowering female and LGBTQ NFT creators. They are creating a secure space for content creation using Web3-based tools in the turbulent blockchain and cryptocurrency industry.


Founded by Aju Thomas and Erik Norgaard, HOLLYFY is a one-stop-shop platform that simplifies collaborations between advertisers and content creators. They offer an easy-to-use software platform that encompasses everything from negotiations to fund transfers – all managed via smart contracts.


Invezo, co-founded by Emmett Miller, Leo Schottenstein, and Wyatt Miller, offers a unique investing research/analysis tool for stocks and distinct crypto-assets. It combines social media data and financial data to give users the advantage when investing.


emTRUTH uses the power of blockchain to offer reliable supply chain management solutions. Their work revolves around providing companies with unarguable product authenticity and traceability.


Arrivant, co-founded by Cedric Gamelin, Meghan McWilliams, and Ramin Shokrizade, brings the concept of Tribe Vs Environment to the world of online gaming. Their first title, ‘Project Eluüne: StarGarden,’ gives gamers a taste of co-operative gameplay with unique base-building features.

Manifold Finance

Manifold Finance operates in the blockchain sector, offering unique financial solutions within the emerging FinTech landscape. They are redefining traditional forms of finance within the blockchain sector.


Defient is a web3 entertainment company that is creating next-generation consumer products and creator tools. Operating at the intersection of pop culture, digital media, and internet technology, they are shaping the future of digital entertainment.


Audtik, co-founded by Alexander Oyebobola and Santos Ozoemena, focuses on securing the decentralized internet. They have proven their mettle by protecting millions of US dollars in digital assets from hackers.


Lastly, Motiv is working at the intersection of blockchain, education, and non-profit. They aim to empower people and communities to emancipate themselves from financial and other barriers by providing education and tools for self-sufficiency and sustainable independence.

As we move into the future, it’s startups like these that are set to redefine industry norms and push boundaries by harnessing and further innovating within the exciting world of Blockchain technology.

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