
Spotlight on California: Emerging Child Care Startups Revolutionizing Industry

Welcome to the latest edition of Beststartup California magazine, where we showcase some of the most innovative and exciting startups from across our golden state. This issue focuses on promising startups which began their journey in 2020 or later in the crucial child care industry. In today’s digital era, these companies understand that an online presence and smart use of technology can aid in reaching more families and enhancing child care services and experiences.

From platforms that strive to make managing your child’s care easier, to those delivering crucial support to parents or educators, a new wave of startups has emerged. They are raising awareness about important issues and helping families navigate and manage the demanding responsibilities of child care. Here, we present some of these California-based startups reinventing the landscape of child care.

Whether they are focused on health and wellness, education, services, or non-profit activities, all these innovative startups have one shared goal: to make a positive and lasting impact in the lives of children and families. Let’s explore each of these startups and discover what they offer.


Otter founded by Helen Mayer is a community builder based in San Francisco, passionate about helping families manage their care arrangements. Their platform connects parents needing childcare with stay at home parents, managing scheduling, payment, and logistics. Find Otter on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.

Happy Mama Healthy Baby Alliance

Based in Pasadena, Happy Mama Healthy Baby Alliance is a platform focused on promoting evidence-based, kind maternity care for all women. They have increased the availability of professional doula assistance and midwifery. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.


ilk is a holistic center founded by Brian Park, Jake Harding, and Malea Gadoury. Based in San Francisco, this child care startup is connecting parents with educators and caregivers, fostering an enriched learning environment. Find ilk on Facebook and Twitter.

The Loving Garden

Located in Bonsall, The Loving Garden is a non-profit organization providing financial assistance for food, medical, and funeral expenses for families impacted by COVID-19 losses. Learn more about them on their Linkedin page.

June Care

June Care, based in Los Altos, matches families in need of childcare with stay-at-home parents who can provide care. They also manage scheduling, logistics, and payments. Connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.

Breaking Code Silence

Breaking Code Silence is a non-profit organization based in Los Angeles. They aim to prevent child abuse and empower survivors through their programs and broad community outreach. Explore more on their Facebook and Linkedin.


Edora, founded by Prem Dattan and based in San Jose, offers management software for daycare and after-school programs. Its features enable teachers and parents to have real-time updates about children activities. Visit their Linkedin page for more.

Kira Care

Kira Care, an early-stage startup in San Francisco, is working in child care and has a strong focus on information technology. Stay tuned for more information about them in the future.

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